Social Media Manager


jsme kreativní digitální agentura WeBetter. Rozvíjíme se značkami business v digitálním prostředí, odlišujeme je od konkurence, zvyšujeme jim prodeje a budujeme povědomí. Hledáme dalšího vášnivého kolegu nebo kolegyni na pozici Social Media & Content managera, který se k nám připojí a přinese svou energii, kreativitu a skills.

Pracovat budeš v týmu o 13 lidech. Primárně budeš trávit čas tvorbě content plánů, tvorbě obsahu v podobě vizuálů, storiček, reelsek, ale i na vymazlených copíčkách.

What you need to know?

- at least 1 year of experience in an agency and know a little bit about how it works in these waters

- social for you is not just about posting photos and videos on Instagram to get likes, but you can actually build channels. 

- you speak perfect Czech - you don't make grammatical mistakes, you like to write creative texts, without them you can't do it

- you have a flair for a nice photo, design, video

- you submit within the agreed deadlines, i.e. it is the basis of all order

- you have drive and you finish your work, you follow trends on social media

- you know how to evaluate your work and report back to clients

- you speak English at least at a communicative level


What we offer?

- you will be part of an ambitious (still young) team

- full time and 0,8 time is OK.

- fixed salary according to experience + annual quarterly bonuses for KPIs met

- subsidised Multisport

- working hours at your discretion, but you have to follow some rules + part-time remote

- 20 days holiday and extra Christmas leave

- friendly and young team

- office in a nice place full of nice people in Karlin

- educational courses, beers, bowling...

- pre-loaded card to a local bar with goodies

(Pokud ti nebude fungovat formulář, napiš na, někdy nám to zlobí a nechceme o tebe přijít!) 

If you tick most of the boxes, you’re the one we want.
Send us a message!

After submitting your request, we will get back to you within 24h.

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Pokud tu nenajdeš svou vysněnou pozici, ale cítíš, že bys u nás chtěl pracovat, tak nám napiš na a rádi se potkáme.